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Happy Father’s Day!

“The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.”

Proverbs 20:7(NKJV)


On this Father’s Day we offer these words of tribute to Fathers, and since the backdrop of this tribute is in the Church, it will be with Godly Fatherhood as the focus of our attention.


For the young son, Dad stands for all he wants to be in life “when he grows up”. He watches with eyes and ears that record how Dad lives, whether it be in the home, on the job, or in their time of recreation as a family. This recording takes place on a daily basis in his life, as one day he will push “play”, and become a Dad himself.


For the young daughter, Dad is her knight in shining armor with the responsibility to protect her, yet tender enough to shower her with his unconditional love when she needs to know he’s there. For her, Dad remains “Daddy” through the turbulent years of teenage trials, then with a falling tear and trembling lips she kisses “Daddy” on the cheek at her wedding in hopes she is marrying someone who will love and protect her “just like Daddy did”.


Some Dads have become the leaders of their family without a Godly example in their home as they grew up, yet have determined in their own hearts to start a legacy of love so their own children will have a good example to follow. Like Joshua of old challenged the people in Joshua 24:15b, he states these words, then does all he can to live up to the commitment: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

The Godly Father recognizes his own shortcomings and failures from time to time as he shepherds his family, and will be humble enough to draw upon the strength of his Heavenly Father for help and guidance. 2 Corinthians 12:9a “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” The Godly Father is not ashamed to admit to times of weakness and insufficiency, and yes, even shed a tear or two at times as he faces the challenges of life and leadership of his family. He looks forward to looking up to God and confessing his need to the one who is all-sufficient and all-knowing.


We applaud you Dad, as you sacrifice for your family in so many ways, yet also encourage you to give your most valuable asset to your Children as much as possible which is of course, your time. Those special times of playing catch in the back yard may provide some wear and tear for the lawn, yet will grow a great relationship. Those early mornings of fishing together may not yield much for the dinner table, but the conversations while fishing will be quite a catch for both Dad and Child. Taking time for a “date with you and your daughter” will provide her an example of what to look for in manners and actions when she begins to date.


There is a statement that says “time is of the essence”, and this is indeed the case when Dads and Kids interact.

Thank you for working, planning, caring, disciplining, teaching, and yes, learning about being the best Dad you can possibly be. In a world that says “you cannot”, thanks for saying “yes you can!”


Most of all, thanks for being “Dad” and trusting your Heavenly Father to guide you in the journey.


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The St. John Baptist Church of Woodford, Virginia, exists to glorify God by expounding the truths of His Word; by establishing mature followers of Christ who declare God’s excellencies collectively in worship and individually in life; by passionately spreading Christ’s saving gospel; and by perpetuating God’s work and service.




17080 South River Road
Woodford, VA 22580


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